Vision Plan
After presenting two conceptual plans for West Case Park last summer, the planning and design team has been hard at work finalizing the Vision Plan. This final Vision Plan is the culmination of thorough site analysis, best practices, research and public input. View the Vision Plan and learn more below.
Overall Vision Plan for West Case Park
About the Vision Plan
The Vision Plan for West Case Park features an organic, meandering design that references back to the site’s agricultural heritage. The plan offers a single, distinctive park entry onto the site, and it provides improvements to West Case Road for safe and convenient access. The single roadway brings people into the center of the site, providing easy access to all park amenities. A second, separate entry along West Case Road provides access to a new Forestry complex. Although this adds a curb cut along West Case, it also lightens the traffic demands along the main park drive.
This plan provides 3-4 acres of West Case Road frontage for a future library site adjacent to the existing woodland grove. The existing farmhouse is preserved on site. The silos are also preserved with new event and gathering structures.
On-site, the existing wetlands are maintained and enhanced with native wetland planting. An overwide stream channel offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to naturalize Slate Run. The invasive vegetation currently surrounding the stream is cleared, and the channel is replanted with native vegetation. A detention pond and wetland shelves collect and manage site stormwater to mitigate downstream impacts. These water features are incorporated into the larger park experience through integration of decks, boardwalks and outdoor education areas.
At the heart of the site, a multi-purpose field is sized to accommodate space for three full sized soccer fields, one cricket pitch, or countless picnickers and park visitors. At the northern end of the lawn, a flexible community gathering space and sports courts offer diverse recreational experiences for park visitors. At the southern end of the lawn, a small event center provides a flexible plaza, lawn and rentable space for individual and community gatherings. Native meadows surrounding the lawn help to preserve the existing site character, provide habitat for native wildlife and create a quiet buffer between the park activities and the surrounding neighborhood. Mown meadow and paved trails provide pedestrian access through the meadows for all ages and abilities and connect visitors with the natural play area located in the southwestern corner of the site.
Click the button below to download a summary document of the Vision Plan.
Vision Plan for West Case Park shown with surrounding neighborhood context and connection to Carriage Place Community Center